Opt Out Today

Washington Education Association Political Action Committee

To opt out of WEA PAC:

  1. Enter your information into the form below and click “submit.”
  2. On the resulting page, click the link to open your customized form. You will also receive an email with a link to your form.
  3. Print the form. If you check the appropriate box about needing a printed version, we’ll mail you a copy of the form.
  4. Sign and date the form then make two copies.
  5. Mail the completed form to the address at the top of the form. We highly recommend sending it via certified mail.
  6. Provide a copy to your employer’s payroll officer and keep a copy for your files.

*If you would prefer to opt out of Washington Education Association (WEA) membership as well, please visit www.OptOutToday.com/wea.

  • If you have filled out an opt out form, please use the same email address.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

WEA-PAC is the Washington Education Association’s political action committee. By collecting voluntary contributions starting at $2.25 per month, the WEA-PAC claims to “…recommend and elect pro-public education, pro-labor candidates to office — regardless of party affiliation — in local, statewide and legislative elections.”

Instead, the WEA utilizes its PAC to spend millions of dollars in support of left-wing politics and union operations. The union’s partisan influence in state elections is not only deceptive, but prioritizes the expansion of WEA’s political stature over the wellbeing of its members.

If you feel that your monthly donation to WEA-PAC conflicts with your values, you have the right to stop deductions at any time. Fill out the form above to free yourself from supporting the political agenda of your union.

What is WEA-PAC?

WEA-PAC is the Washington Education Association political action committee. With the help of voluntary contributions from WEA members, WEA-PAC aims “to recommend and elect pro-public education, pro-labor candidates to office…in statewide and legislative elections.”

How much are WEA PAC contributions?

WEA-PAC members have three options for monthly contributions: $2.25, $5.00, and $10.50 for a total of $27, $60, or $126 per year.

What happens if I opt out of WEA-PAC contributions?

Opting out of WEA-PAC contributions will not affect your relationship with your union or employer. According to your authorization form for WEA-PAC contributions, “Contributions to the NEA-FCPE and WEA-PAC are voluntary; making a contribution is neither a condition of employment, nor membership in the Association, and members have the right to refuse to contribute without suffering any reprisal. No employer or labor organization may discriminate against an officer or employee in the terms and conditions of employment for (i) the failure to contribute to, (ii) the failure in any way to support or oppose, or (iii) in any way supporting or opposing a candidate, ballot proposition, political party or political committee.”

Will stopping contributions affect my union membership?

No.  Political donations are optional and will not affect the terms of your membership if canceled.  If you are paying monthly dues to your local, WEA, NEA and UniServ, you will remain a member whether you pay into the PAC or not.  However, if you are also interested in canceling your union membership and would like more information on the process, click here.

How does the WEA PAC use my contributions?

While WEA-PAC claims to utilize member donations in support of pro-education, pro-labor candidates “regardless of party affiliation,” WEA-PAC’s contributions are anything but bi-partisan. Since 2020, WEA-PAC has given 63% of member contributions to Democratic candidates for a total of nearly $5 million. 35% of member contributions were used to support union operations, while just 0.51% was given to Republican or Independent candidates.